Runescape hard clue scroll air 2231
Runescape hard clue scroll air 2231

runescape hard clue scroll air 2231

Similar trends exist with other reward items such as bows, and ranged armour. The type of armour received differs based on the level of the clue completed, with level 1 clues generating Black armour, level 2 clues generating Adamant, and level 3 clues generating Rune armour. As an example, for all levels of clues, players can get random pieces of armour. Higher level clues generally give better rewards but, due to the randomness of rewards given, there is a very large variance in value or the rewards. Once completed, the rewards given by a clue are absolutely random and unaffected by any factor provided elsewhere in the game. Players completing level 3 clues will never see a Willow shortbow no matter how many clues they complete, likewise players completing a Level 1 Clue will never be rewarded with a 3rd age armour piece. The value of the rewards garnered depend heavily on the level of the clue scroll completed. A player may emerge from a clue with a willow shortbow and a Coif, or they could gain a Zamorak page, a 3rd Age Armour Piece, and assorted Rune Armour all from the same clue. However it is akin to winning the lottery. Treasure trails can be the single most lucrative thing a player ever does. If the player hasn't done the needed quest yet, but they have the requirements or are in a position to get them quickly, it is recommended that the player (trains and) does the quest, rather than getting rid of the clue scroll. If this is the case, the player must do the quest, up to where access to the area is granted, if they wish to complete their trail. Many higher-level trails will lead a player into areas which are locked by quests. Having a high amount of quest points is beneficial when doing treasure trails. Use proper armour to protect yourself and deal decent damage in combat Use this to restore your prayer points in combat Use this to restore your life points in combat Use this to access the fairy ring network after Fairytale II - Cure a Queen (especially useful for level 2 clues) Note: after Fairytale III - Battle at Orks Rift no items are needed to use the fairy rings Use this to buy items needed for emote clues Required to get the next clue (or the reward) Master scrolls are between 7 and 12 clues long, with high-levelled quest and skill requirements.Elite scrolls can be between 5 and 10 clues long, with multiple fights, and puzzles every step.Hard scrolls can be between 1 and 8 clues long, with multiple enemies to defeat and can have high-levelled quest requirements.Medium scrolls can be between 1 and 7 clues long with some quest requirements.Easy scrolls can be between 1 and 5 clues long with few or no quest requirements.However, it has the greatest and most expensive rewards. A clue scroll (elite) is the most dangerous clue scroll to receive and complete. A clue scroll (hard) is a hazardous Treasure trail which can be very rewarding. A clue scroll (medium) is a medium difficulty treasure trail with a more substantial reward yield. A clue scroll (easy) is a low difficulty treasure trail, with a low reward yield. There are four levels of clue scroll, Easy, Medium, Hard, and Elite. The 'level' of a clue scroll relates to its difficulty. For this reason, this may lead to inconsistencies or things being repeated twice.įor the main article, see Treasure Trails. It simply transcribes everything from the subpages. This article is a consolidation of all subpages of the Treasure Trails/Guide page. 17.1 List of Skills needed to complete all riddles below.15.1.11 The Islands That Once Were Turtles.15.1.6 Fremennik Isles (Neitiznot and Jatizso).13.1.4 Maps with an X and a fishing spot.7.6 Kandarin, Piscatoris and Gnome Stronghold.7.3.4 The Islands That Once Were Turtles.

Runescape hard clue scroll air 2231